Marijuana Addiction Rehab in Georgia

What is Marijuana?

Marijuana is a psychoactive drug that is made from the Cannabis plant. When it is consumed, it can produce a variety of effects, including relaxation, altered senses, and an increased appetite. The active ingredient in marijuana that is responsible for these effects is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). It is important to note that marijuana can also have negative side effects, such as impaired memory and concentration, increased heart rate, and increased risk of accidents or injuries, and addiction.

Marijuana Addiction and Dependency Explained

Marijuana addiction, also known as cannabis use disorder, is a condition in which a person becomes physically and/or psychologically dependent on marijuana. It is characterized by an inability to control one’s use of the drug, as well as continued use despite negative consequences. Some people may develop a marijuana addiction after using the drug for a long time, while others may become addicted after using it in high amounts or using it frequently. Symptoms of marijuana addiction may include a strong craving for the drug, the need to use increasing amounts to achieve the desired effects, and the inability to stop using despite negative consequences.

Marijuana can be addictive for some people. While the exact prevalence of marijuana addiction is not known, Samhsa suggests that about 1 in 10 people  who use marijuana will become addicted. This means that they may experience problems controlling their use of the drug and may continue to use it despite negative consequences.

The risk of developing marijuana addiction may be higher in people who use marijuana frequently or in large amounts, as well as in people who start using the drug at a young age. Other factors that may increase the risk of marijuana addiction include a personal or family history of addiction, mental health conditions such as anxiety or depression, and a history of trauma or abuse.

With proper treatment, it is possible to recover and live your life free from addiction. At GraceWay, we offer individualized recovery support to help your mind, body, and spirit heal from marijuana addiction.

How Marijuana Affects Relationships

Marijuana use can have a number of negative effects on relationships. Some of the ways in which marijuana use can affect relationships include:

Communication problems: Marijuana use can impair cognitive function and judgment, which can lead to difficulties in communication and problem-solving.

Conflict: Marijuana use can lead to conflicts with partners, family members, or friends, particularly if it is causing problems in other areas of life such as work or school.

Dependence on others: People who are addicted to marijuana may become reliant on others for financial or emotional support, which can lead to feelings of resentment or burdensomeness.

Financial problems: Marijuana use can lead to financial problems, such as spending money on the drug instead of on bills or other necessities.

Trust issues: Trust can be damaged when a person lies about their marijuana use or when it leads to problems such as accidents or injuries.

Social isolation: Chronic marijuana use can lead to social isolation as people may withdraw from activities and relationships outside of their drug use.

Signs and Symptoms of Marijuana Use Disorder

If you are worried about you or your loved ones marijuana use you may find it helpful to read through the list below. If you recognize any of the symptoms, please contact us. We are available 24 hours a day.

Changes in appetite: An increase in appetite, also known as “the munchies,” is a common side effect of marijuana use.

Bloodshot eyes: Chronic marijuana use can cause bloodshot eyes.

Dry mouth: Marijuana use can lead to dry mouth.

Slowed reaction time: Marijuana can impair cognitive function and affect reaction time, which can increase the risk of accidents or injuries.

Persistent cough: Chronic marijuana use can lead to a persistent cough.

Weight gain: Increased appetite and decreased physical activity associated with marijuana use may lead to weight gain.

Cognitive impairment: Chronic marijuana use has been linked to impaired memory and concentration, as well as difficulty with learning and problem-solving.

Mental health problems: Marijuana use has been linked to an increased risk of mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, and psychosis.

Addiction: Some people who use marijuana may develop an addiction to it. This is characterized by an inability to control one’s use of the drug and continued use despite negative consequences.

Relationship problems: Marijuana use can lead to relationship problems or social isolation.

Cravings: A strong desire or urge to use marijuana.

Loss of control: Difficulty in controlling the amount or frequency of marijuana use.

Continued use despite negative consequences: Using marijuana despite experiencing negative consequences as a result, such as problems at work or school or strained relationships with family and friends.

Deterioration in mental health: Decline in mental health or an increase in mental health problems, such as anxiety, depression, or psychosis.

Tolerance: The need to use increasingly larger amounts of marijuana to achieve the desired effects.

Withdrawal symptoms: Symptoms that occur when marijuana use is stopped or reduced, such as irritability, anxiety, insomnia, and loss of appetite.

In some cases, marijuana use can cause dangerous psychotic symptoms, including hallucinations, delusions, and paranoia.

Marijuana Addiction Treatment

The National Institute on Drug Abuse shows that the most effective treatment for substance use disorders offer a comprehensive individualized plan that aims to provide recovery support for the entire person.

At GraceWay, we provide an individualized holistic approach aimed to treat your entire person. It’s important for individuals in recovery to have access to support and resources beyond the initial early recovery phase, as recovery is a lifelong process. We offer continuing care that we consider an important part of maintaining long-term recovery. We provide opportunities for GraceWay alumni to reconnect with the recovery community and continue to work on their personal growth and spiritual development.

At GraceWay, a long-term recovery center located in serene South Georgia, we’re ready to give you the support your desire in a safe, comfortable environment. Our individualized recovery program addresses the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs of women who are seeking a better way to live. Call our admissions counselors at 229-446-7800 to learn more about our program. At GraceWay, we create recovery plans customized for each person’s individual needs. We also provide 24-hour support and can help you start the recovery process today. Contact us to speak with one of our counselors and take the first step towards getting sober.